Rock County Multi Use Trail Group
2025 Rock County Tack Swap!
Help us raise funds to continue making improvements to Rock County Parks!
We look forward to seeing you March 1, 2025
Thank you to the Wisconsin Horse Council for a generous grant that will allow us to completely fund the new signs at Gibbs Lake!
2023 was a success!
We installed all new signage at Gibbs Lake Park, and purchased 3 mounting blocks.
We also bought 2 new hitching rails and installed them on Merchant Row in Milton. Ride into town and enjoy a meal!
Another project completed!
Thank you to everyone who donated, time, talent and money to install water and make this goal complete!
We Did it!
The fall of 2016 saw the completion of the shelter with electric at Gibbs Lake Park!
Thank you to everyone who donated to the "Raise the Roof" project! Rock County Multi Use Trail Group could not have done it with out a lot of help from a lot of good people!
A special Thank you to Wisconsin Horse Council - Trails Committee for the grant that pushed us to our goal.